Song entry editing

This page explains how to edit existing song entries.

Deleting song entries | Merging song entries

tab: Basic info


For general instructions on the “Original language,” “Primary name,” “Non-English,” “Romanized,” “English,” and “Aliases” fields, refer to the Entry names and aliases page.

New non-English translations of song entry names should not be added without a good reason.

For example, the song entry ECHO should not receive new entry name translations. (No translations of the word “ECHO” should be added to the name/alias fields.)

Some examples of good reasons for adding a non-English translation:

  • Translation is used elsewhere (alias).
    • = Improved searchability
  • Translation is related to the original name.
    • ”Матрёшка” for Matryoshka
    • = Additional context/value. For example, “マトリョシカ” is from the Russian “Матрёшка”, but is also known by its Romanized form “Matryoshka”. Therefore, this provides the useful information of 1. the loanword being used and 2. a Romanization of the loanword.

Song entry-specific name instructions

The title section should only contain the name of the song. Vocalists, song type, producers, etc. should all be removed.

If the song has no name, use the untitled tag with an empty placeholder name.

For covers and other derived works, copying the aliases from the original entry is not necessary.

Remixer names should remain in the song title. For video title trimming:

  • Remove clear non-title parts (e.g., original artist credit).
  • Remove the vocalist’s name if it is separate from the rest of the title.
  • Remove the song type if it is separate from the rest of the title.

Song Description

Include information that doesn’t fit into other fields here.

The description should be objective and neutral. Verified artists can submit subjective comments using the artist’s personal description. Most of the time, video descriptions are an artist’s personal description and should not be added in the description field.

GitHub-flavored Markdown is supported for formatting.

English translations can be added in a separate field if the original description is in another language.

Song Type

Song type (Original song, Remix, Cover, …) is the main categorization of the entry.

Original Version

Song entries can be roughly classified as “original” or “derived”. “Original” entries are the “root nodes” of the entry tree structure.

The Original Version -field is used for creating this entry tree structure. If the original version exists as a song entry, use this field in the derived entry to link to the original version.

  • The song type Original song should not have any original versions specified. The field is hidden when this song type is selected.

  • Song types Remaster, Remix, Cover, Instrumental, Mashup, Music PV should always specify the original version.

  • Song types Drama PV and Other can specify an original version, if the entry is not “original”.

If the original version does not exist as an entry (being out-of-scope for example):

  • If the entry is on UtaiteDB, connect it by adding it as an external link. This will display it as the “Original version” along with automatic metadata.

  • If the original song is out-of-scope, use the original-out-of-scope -tag along with a link to the original song or a reference in the song description.

    • For out-of-scope songs, the original artists can be credited in the song description (example). Direct artist credits through the artist tab should not be used, regardless if the original artists have artist entries or not.
  • If the out-of-scope original song has 5 or more derived (remix or cover) song entries on VocaDB, it can be created as a cover unifier entry.

    • The original (out-of-scope) artists should be credited as “custom artists” on the cover unifier entry. If the entry has no related (in-scope) artist entries, it can be created with the temporary artist entry. Note that out-of-scope cover unifier entries should not be created for songs that already have a UtaiteDB entry.

Original song can be selected by:

  • A) searching by the song title
  • B) by the VocaDB URL
  • C) with “id:{song id}“.

The “Find originals” button attempts to find original songs based on the song title. The exact logic is available on GitHub.

If a song C is derived from song B, which in turn is derived from song A, you can link C to A directly if B has no song entry (B is out of scope). The skipped version B should be mentioned in entry C. The relevant tag out-of-scope arrangement should also be added.

In most cases, the original version should be the entry with the earlist publish date.

If multiple versions of a song are uploaded simultaneously, it doesn’t generally matter which is picked as the original version.

If multiple original versions apply, choose the most relevant entry and mention the rest in the entry description.

Sometimes the entry tree structure grows unintuitive due to conflicting details. Correct entry tree structure can be formed with the following process:

Example: 10 related entries with various different song types by different artists.

    1. Order the entries by publish date
    1. Pick the first entry as the original
    1. Pick the next entry and connect it to the current entry tree (by appending it)
    1. Repeat steps 2-3 until all of the entries have been added to the entry tree

This means that the original version of any entry should not be modified later, assuming no mistakes or missing information.

Song type classification

If multiple song types apply, add them as tags:

Song type should be chosen based on:

  • Mashup/Remix/Remaster > Cover > Music PV

Guidelines for classification:

  • If vocals are different but the instrumental is similar, it’s likely a cover.
  • If the song structure or genre is different, it’s likely a remix.
  • If both the instrumental and vocals are changed, prefer classifying as a remix.

Original song

Original songs (“オリジナル曲” in Japanese) are songs that have completely original content and aren’t based on other songs. The original song is the version of the song that was published first. Later versions are considered derivatives regardless of who made them.

Sometimes the producer might publish multiple different versions of a song, usually with different vocals or different lengths, calling all of them originals. On VocaDB these self-covers and self-remixes are classified as covers and remixes, not original songs.

For (original) instrumental album songs, use the original song -type with the instrumental-tag. The instrumental song type is for instrumental versions of original songs.


A remaster or remake (“修正版” or “リマスター版” in Japanese) is an improved version of a song. If the original is replaced by the remaster, it’s unnecessary to create a separate entry for the original. The remaster can use the “original song” type.

If a remastered version is made for an album and is not playable online, using the original song entry is acceptable.

A remaster should differ from the original only in terms of mastering, though this term is interpreted loosely in the Vocaloid world. If the new version is significantly different, the remaster song type should not be used.


A remix is a variant of an original recording, often in a different genre. This type is used even for self-remixes, adding the self-remix tag.

  • The original producer should not be added to the song entry if the remix was produced by someone else. Instead, add the arranger/remixer to the song entry.

  • Remixes may or may not involve recording new music, often using samples from the original.

  • Extended or shortened versions should be classified as remixes.

  • Live versions should be classified as remixes with the live recording tag. Use the original song entry for setlists.


A Cover (カバー曲) is a re-recorded version of a song, usually by a different artist. In the Vocaloid/UTAU world, covers often use a different voicebank while keeping the instrumentals intact.

Outside of the Vocaloid world, a cover implies re-recording of the song, but in the context of Vocaloid, the “cover” term is used when adding Vocaloid vocals to an existing instrumental recording.

  • Use the cover type if the song is re-released with new lyrics, adding the changed lyrics tag.

  • If the original artist re-releases the song with new vocals, use the cover type with the self-cover tag.

  • The original producer should not be added to the song entry if the cover was produced by someone else. Instead, add the cover artist/voice manipulator to the song entry.

  • Voice synth songs that include both a voice synth version and a human-sung version (both official) should be tagged with simultaneous upload if the publish dates are less than a week apart.

    • Mark entries with simultaneous upload as “original songs” unless specified otherwise by the artist.

    • Specify the human-sung version in the song description or external links with its publish date.

    • If the human-sung version is published more than a week before the voice synth version, mark the song as “cover” with the self-cover tag.

    • If the human-sung version is published more than a week after the voice synth version, mention it as usual, but do not add tags.

    • These rules do not apply if both songs have entries on VocaDB.


AKA off-vocal or karaoke.

The “Instrumental” song type is used for instrumental versions of songs, where a non-instrumental version with vocals is the original.

Instrumental versions of songs are accepted only as part of album entries. They should be the same as the original version, excluding vocals. If otherwise different, use the remix or cover types with the instrumental tag.

Exclude vocalist credits for off-vocal/karaoke songs that have background/harmony vocals, as these are already credited in the original entry.


Mashups are songs made by blending two or more songs together.

Simple mashups where two songs are simply mixed together are discouraged on VocaDB, unless they’re well-known or present on an album.

Songs that mix multiple covers of the same song together (joining multiple vocal tracks) should be labeled as covers.

Currently, it’s not possible to specify multiple songs as originals in the “original song” field. They should be mentioned in the song description instead.


A medley is a special case of mashup where songs are played one after another, possibly with overlap. Use the mashup type for medleys, unless the medley is an original song. Add the medley tag.

Focus on quality when adding medleys. Only add those that are remarkable in some way.

Music PV


  • Music PV = “Music video” (PV = Promotional Video)

The music PV type is used for remarkable PVs of (usually original) songs, whether created by the original producer or someone else.

For (remarkable) official music PVs:

  • If the music PV has the same length as the original AND if the original entry has no official upload (album track for example), use the original entry.

  • Otherwise, create a new entry.

For unofficial music PVs:

  • Remarkable music PVs can be created as new entries.

    • Note that unofficial music PVs with only out-of-scope characters are allowed if the video has at least 100k views.
  • Low-effort PVs (made with a single static image for example) can only be added as “Other” media to the original entry if the song length matches. New Music PV -entries should not be created for unofficial low-effort PVs.

Remember to also credit the vocalists for Music PVs. Silent characters (that have no vocals in the PV) should not be credited as artists. Model tags (such as CHAN x CO Miku) can be used if applicable, regardless whether the character has vocals or not.

Drama PV

Drama PVs focus on story instead of music, often made with MMD software. They should feature a Vocaloid character or be strongly related to Vocaloid/UTAU to be accepted on VocaDB.

  • Drama PVs should be self-made/self-directed stories.
  • Copying memes, TV shows or movie scenes are usually not considered drama PVs.


For entries that do not belong to any categories above. For example, Commentary.


Duration of the song. If the song has multiple video/music embeds (PVs) added, their lengths must match or be within a few seconds. If different PVs have different song lengths, they should be added as separate song entries (except for unrelated intros and outros).


The song Tempo/BPM can be added as a specific number or as a range (within 20-1050).

Release Event

Release event(s) of the song, if available. For common holidays like Christmas, use the corresponding tag instead.

If the song is included in an album with the same release event, adding the event to the song entry is redundant.

Publish Date

The earliest public publish date of the song (from any album/PV). If empty, the publish date is automatically suggested based on the album and PV links.


Song language. Changing the original lyrics language changes this field as well.


Entry status communicates the level of completeness:

  • Draft: Entry is missing crucial information. This status indicates that additional information is needed or corrections are requested.
  • Finished: The entry has all the necessary information but hasn’t been inspected by a trusted user yet.
  • Approved: The entry has been inspected and approved by a trusted user. Approved entries can only be edited and tagged by trusted users and above.
  • Locked: Locked entries can only be edited by moderators and above

Finished Song Entry Requirements

Finished song entries should meet the following criteria:

  • The song has at least one name, and the original language can’t be unspecified. (SV2)
  • The song has at least one artist in the “producer” role category. (SV3 & SV6)
  • Derived song types need the original version specified in the original version field or the song description. (SV4)
  • Songs with no vocalists need the “instrumental” tag, unless the song type is “Instrumental” or “Drama PV”. (SV5)
  • Song type isn’t “Unspecified”. (SV7)
Song entry validation errors


  • SV1: DuplicateArtist (automatically fixed when entry is saved)
  • SV2: UnspecifiedNames
  • SV3: NeedArtist
  • SV4: NeedOriginal
  • SV5: NonInstrumentalSongNeedsVocalists
  • SV6: NeedProducer
  • SV7: NeedType

Criteria for Approving Songs

Mandatory Criteria
  • Entry is finished (no edit warnings).
  • Lyrics in the original language (unless instrumental or a song with no lyrics).
  • All participating artists are properly credited, including lyricist, illustrator, mastering, etc. (default roles can be used).
  • Title is Romanized and translated into English (if appropriate).
  • Entry is at least a week old (to ensure the artist isn’t making corrections or uploading to more services).
  • Media for at least two services (counting reprints).
  • Romanized lyrics and translated lyrics in English.

Tab: Artists

In this tab, you can add or remove artist entries that participated in the song.

Artists can also be added as custom artists, which adds an artist credit to the song entry as text without creating an artist entry.

  • For finished song entries, artist credits in the “producer”-category (composers, arrangers, voice manipulators, …) must be made with artist entries (as opposed to crediting them as custom artists).

  • Song entries with no known producers should include the artist entry Unknown producer(s).

  • If the name of the producer is known, create a new artist entry and tag it with limited artist information.

If the original version has no entry, the original artists can be credited in the artist tab or song description. At minimum, the original version needs to be linked or mentioned in the description.

  • If the original version has an entry, the original artist should be credited if they worked directly with the derived version.

  • If the original artist is not involved with the “unofficial” derived version, the artist credit should not be duplicated from the original entry. “Official” derived versions such as self-covers, self-remixes and remasters should credit the original artists (including non-producer artists such as lyricists) where applicable.

  • The circle/group entry can also be added, if all the members are participating or if the circle/group is credited directly.

  • Note that the songs by the circle/group can be searched with the “Include group members” filter.

If the song has no known artist credits available, use the entry missing artists tag.

Vocaloids, UTAUs, and other singing synthesizer voicebanks are added as artists as well: Choosing the correct voicebank credit

Support Status

Support status is for crediting artists who play a minor role compared to the main artists in the same role. It should only be used when there’s a clear separation of main and support artists. If there is only one artist in a certain role, the support status should never be used.


  • Backing vocals, e.g., a background chorus when the main vocals are sung by another vocalist.
  • Background illustrators (to distinguish them from the main illustrator).

Support status can’t currently be specified to a specific artist role. For example, if a song composer is also responsible for the background image, the support status should not be used.

Support status removes the artist(s) from the artist string and affects the search through the “Only main songs” filter.

Artist Roles

Artist roles describe how different artists participated in creating the song.

The artist’s type (from their entry) determines their default roles. For example, artists of the “lyricist” type are marked as the lyricist role by default. When the artist role differs from the artist type, the correct artist role must be specified.

The available roles are limited and serve as approximations. For example, the person responsible for the song image should be credited with the “illustrator” role, even if it’s technically something else (e.g., photographer).

It’s recommended to tag the artist with the secondary artist type when appropriate. For example, if an animation producer (artist type) is responsible for the lyrics (role), the artist entry should be tagged with the lyricist tag.

  • If the song has only one main artist (besides vocalists), the artist roles do not need to be further specified.

  • If the song has multiple main artists involved, set the correct roles: Composer, Arranger & Voice Manipulator.


Japanese: 動画

  • Responsible for creating or animating the PV (Promotional Video).
  • Required for Music PV and Drama PV song types.
  • Corresponding artist type: Animation producer.


Japanese: 編曲

  • Handles instrumentation and music production.
  • Often credited for remixes, but can also be involved in original songs.
  • Corresponding artist type: Music Producer.


Japanese: 作曲

  • Creates the song.
  • Typically, the composer and arranger are the same person for original songs, but not always.
  • Corresponding artist type: Music Producer.


  • Typically used for albums. Distributes the album or song, either physically or digitally.
  • Corresponding artist types: Circle or label.


Japanese: イラスト or 絵

  • Responsible for the image for PVs or album covers, including booklet illustrations and photography.
  • Corresponding artist type: Illustrator.


  • Plays an instrument in the song/album, usually physical instruments like pianos or guitars.
  • Corresponding artist type: Instrumentalist.


Japanese: 作詞

  • Writes the lyrics.
  • Corresponding artist type: Lyricist.




  • For roles that don’t fit with any other options.
  • Corresponding artist type: Other individual.


  • Publishes the album, usually a label or a circle. Also used in cases where someone other than the main producer publishes a video (i.e., not on the producer’s channel).
  • Corresponding artist types: Circle or Label.

Vocal data provider

  • Created the original vocal data (VSQ/VSQX/UST/CSV) but didn’t directly participate in the song creation.
  • Voice manipulator role also covers vocal data creation, so specifying both roles for the same person is generally redundant.
  • Corresponding artist types: Cover artist & Music producer.


Voice manipulator

Japanese: 調声

  • Operates the voice synthesizer.
  • If person A operated the synthesizer and person B did most of the vocal tuning, A should be marked as support and B as the main voice manipulator.
  • Use the vocal data provider role if existing vocal data from another song was used.
  • Corresponding artist types: Cover artist & Music producer.

tab: Media

Songs may contain any number of embedded media files (Promotional Videos = PVs) on Niconico (NND), YouTube, Bilibili, Vimeo, or audio streams on Piapro or SoundCloud. The supported media services are fully listed here.

All embeds should have the same version of the song (except for unrelated intros and outros). Do not add karaoke versions as embeds; instead, link them or create a new entry. Different PVs with different song lengths should be separate song entries. Remixes and other derived versions should always be separate entries.

If a PV is remarkable or well-known, it’s encouraged to create a separate entry for that PV and link it to the original song.

Premieres (mostly on YouTube) that are not fully available should not be added to song entries unless there is another PV currently available.

PV types


  • Authorized content uploaded by a party with rights to both audio and video.

Authorized content means it is uploaded by a party with rights to both the audio and video (if any). Usually this is the artist themselves uploading, or someone uploading on their behalf (if this is the case, and it’s not obvious how the upload was authorized, please clarify this in the notes).

  • Usually, one original PV per service.
  • Mark as “Unavailable” if deleted or hidden by the author, but not for region-blocked content. Original PV links can be marked as “Unavailable” if the PV is deleted or hidden by the author and thus unplayable. Watch out for region-blocked content, which should not be marked as “Unavailable”.


  • A PV copied from another service and uploaded by a party unrelated to the original artist.

  • Should be identical to the original (music, vocals, length, and video). If any of these are changed, use the “Other” type, or create another (music PV) entry if appropriate.

  • If the main artist or song is tagged with do not reupload, do not add reprints.


  • Subtitled PVs or PVs modified from the original but don’t justify a new entry.
  • Audio should still be the same as the original. For some songs, only “Other”-type PVs may exist, without an original, if there is no authorized PV available. This is common for album-only songs.

File Uploads

Verified artists can use VocaDB for hosting songs they have made. Verified artists can use VocaDB to host their songs. Supported formats: .mp3. Maximum file size: 20MB. The PV type will automatically be “original”.

Tab: Lyrics

Lyrics can be added along with possible romanizations. Multiple translations are supported.

The general minimum criteria for marking additional languages is to count whether there are two or more full lines in the additional language.

  • Changing the language(s) of the original lyrics also changes the entry language.
  • Sources for lyrics are autofilled based on the source URL.
  • Languages of lyrics are automatically detected.

If you would like to make romanizations of lyrics for VocaDB, please follow the Romanization guidelines. For both translation and romanization, remember that pure machine-translations/romanizations are not allowed.

Always leave a source for the lyrics. If transcribed/translated by yourself, mention it. Follow the transcription guidelines.

Lyrics can be modified without creating new lyrics, as long as the modification is mentioned in the source:

  • External source: “From MikuWiki” -> “From MikuWiki (edited by user2)“
  • Internal source: “From user1” -> “From user1 (typos fixed by user2)“

Large edits still require creating new lyrics.

For subsequent fixes by other users, the fixer name should be appended to the source (The exact format is not important):

  • “From MikuWiki (edited by user2)"
  • "From MikuWiki (edited by user2, user3)“

If the lyric source is missing, locate it before modifying the lyrics. If the source can’t be found, create an entry report for the missing source and use a credit like “Unknown (fixed by user2)“.

Update Notes

Update notes are optional but should always be used if the edit reason or information source is not obvious.

If necessary, use the entry description for visibility or the comment section to ask questions.

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