Song lists

Purpose and features of song lists

Song lists can be used to organize songs.

Songs can be presented in a specific order, and a custom note can be added for each song in the list. The list may have a name and description, as well as a picture. Song lists can also be tagged.

Types of song lists

There are two kinds of song lists on VocaDB: personal song lists and featured song lists.

Personal song lists

Personal song lists are editable only by the owner. They are displayed on the owner’s profile page. As the name says, they are used for personal categorization of songs, for example specific themes.

How to use the song lists

Song lists can be created and songs can be added to lists in two ways:

    1. Add to custom list

The most convenient way is generally to use the “Add to custom list” -button on the song page.

    1. Profile page

Song lists can be found by going to your profile page and choosing the “Custom lists” tab. On that tab you can also open a list for editing, where you can add a description or picture, or add/remove songs from the list.

Song lists vs Tags

Trusted users are able to create public songlists called pools. Pools can be used for largely the same purpose as tags, grouping songs together based on some common theme. There are a few differences between tags and songlists.

  • Pools are listed on the featured songlists page.
  • Pools are not voted on, unlike tags. All pools are equal.
  • Only trusted users are able to edit pools. Any user can vote on tags. Thus tags are easier to use, but also more unreliable.
  • Pools may contain only songs. Tags can be applied to albums and artists as well.
  • Songs in a pool can be ordered. Songs with a specified tag are unordered.
  • You can add notes to songs in a pool.
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