VocaDB feature requests

Contributing to VocaDB

The development of new features (and bugfixes) is tracked via GitHub issues on the VocaDB GitHub. If VocaDB is lacking a feature that you expect, you may submit a feature request on GitHub. Please use the search to make sure that the feature has not already been requested. If the feature request has already been submitted by another user, you may give a “thumbs up” vote on the issue to help us prioritize it further.

When submitting a new feature request/issue, make sure you include as much information as possible. You also need to explain why you feel that specific feature is useful. Explain step by step how would you imagine the feature would work and the benefits of implementing it.

Please understand that unless the feature is extremely simple or requested by a very large number of users, it will take a long time for it to be implemented. Implementing a single feature may take anything from 1 hour to many weeks of concentrated work.

You’re more than welcome to recruit another programmer to help with the implementation, if you cannot do it yourself. VocaDB is open source, just fork and send a pull request.

For programmers / developers

Take a look at the code and instructions in this README on the VocaDB GitHub.

Any bugs and change requests are to be reported on the VocaDB GitHub as issues. If you think you could help, take a look at the list of reported issues, create a fork, fix the issue, and create a pull request back to the main repository.

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