Discussion rules
Moderators can edit/remove comments that do not adhere to these rules.
1) Be civil/nice
Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Wikipedia’s Etiquette and Talk page guidelines can be applied to our discussions. Serious evidence is recommended for serious accusations.
2) Avoid spam/low-effort comments
Engage in mature and thoughtful discussions. Reactionary, low-effort, or provoking comments are not allowed. Contributions should be respectful and aimed at promoting meaningful conversation.
It is encouraged that you include all information in a single comment rather than making multiple. Posting identical/near-identical comments on multiple entries will result in them being deleted.
Avoid using the comments to report errors: Entry Reports should be used for this purpose. However, it’s okay to ask about whether or not something is an error using comments if you’re unsure.
Feel free to contact us if you want to hide outdated or resolved moderation-related comments from your artist entry.