Album entry page

This page explains the fields and features for the album entry page.

synthesis by Tripshots for example:

User actions

The album entry status is shown with at the end of this line.

Add to my collection

Opens a dialog for adding/updating the album to the user’s album collection:{user_id}/albums

The “Collection status” can be set to:

  • Nothing
  • Wishlisted
  • Owned
  • Ordered

The album “Media type” can be set to:

  • Unspecified
  • Physical disc
  • Digital download

Albums can be rated from 1 to 5 stars, and the average of all users’ ratings is shown on the album entry.


Opens the Edit page for the album entry.

View modifications

Opens the version history for the album entry:{album_id}

The version history table uses 5 columns: Version, Created, Author, Changes, Notes.

The specific version can be viewed by clicking one of the version numbers in the Version column:{version_id}

The version page has two user actions available (four for Moderator+).

Revert to this version (Moderator+)

  • Reverts the album entry to the selected version. Used to counter vandalism and fix mistakes.

Download XML

  • Downloads the version information in XML format.

Report an error

Creates an Entry Report and adds it to the Entry Report list visible to Trusted Users and up.

Hide this version (Moderator+)

  • Hides the specific entry version. The version link will still be visible on the entry history page, but the link will be inaccessible to users who are not moderators or above.

Download track info as CSV

Downloads the album track information in CSV format.

Default tag format string is: %title%;%title%%featvocalists%;%producers%;%album%;%discnumber%;%track%

Custom format string usage is documented on the Album track format strings for the custom CSV export page.

tab: Basic info

The fields from the Basic info tab on the Edit page are displayed here, along with additional sections such as the addition date and comments.


  • The first line shows the album’s name based on the user’s “Preferred display language” setting.

  • The album’s other primary names and aliases are shown on the second line.

Song artists

Song artists are listed in five different sections: Vocalists, Producers, Circle(s), Label(s), and Other artists.

In each section, artists are listed alphabetically, and supporting artists are listed at the end, enclosed within parentheses.

The same artist can be listed in multiple sections.


Vocalists featured on the album. This is where artists belonging to the “Vocalist” category (Vocaloids, UTAUs, etc.) or credited with the “Vocalist” role are displayed.


Producers featured on the album. Artists that belong to the “Producer” category (“Music Producers” & “Cover Artists”) or are credited as an “Arranger”, “Composer”, or “Voice manipulator” are shown here.


Circle(s) associated with the album entry.


Labels associated with the album entry.

Other artists

All other artist types (for example, Illustrators, Lyricists, etc.) and roles.


The album entry description is truncated to the first ~~400 characters. If longer than this, a “Show full description” button is provided.

The English translation (if available) is shown by default, regardless of the user’s language preferences.


Album type


The four highest-voted tags are displayed by default. The “Show all” button displays all of the tags grouped by category.

One or two buttons (depending on the user group) are displayed next to the tags:

  1. Edit tags

Existing tags are shown as blue boxes. Box highlighting (orange) can be toggled by clicking.

Your tag votes will be added to highlighted tags when clicking “Save”.

Tag suggestions are automatically displayed based on any tagged tracks in the album. Make sure to verify that the tags apply. All tags have an option to hide them from suggestions.

You can remove tags that you added yourself by removing your tag vote (toggling the highlight). Tags with 0 votes are removed when clicking “Save”.

  1. Manage tags (Trusted User+){album_id}

The entry tags are displayed as a table with the columns Tag, Count, Votes (Visible to Moderator+ only), Date.

Tags can be removed by any trusted user, regardless of who added and voted for the tag.

Release date

Release date of the album.

Catalog number

Catalog number of the album.

Release event

Release event(s) of the album.

If the album publish date is outside the event date range by more than 7 days, the difference is displayed with “(x days)”, where x is the number of days to the event start (or end) date:

”(+10 days)”: Event starts in 10 days; album published 10 days earlier than the event start date.

”(-12 days)”: Event ended 12 days ago; album published 12 days later than the event end date.


List of the languages in the tracklist.

Ads / crossfades

Album ads and crossfades.

  • Links from the “Official” and “Commercial” categories are shown in one alphabetically sorted list.
  • Links from the “Reference” and “Other” categories are shown in another alphabetically sorted list, below the official links.


The following statistics are included:

  • Hits (H)
  • Number of users who own the album (O)
  • Number of users who have wishlisted the album (W)

“H hit(s). Owned by O. Wishlisted by W.”

The average (rounded) album rating and the number of ratings are displayed below the album cover.

Addition date

Entry creation date. Corresponds to the last row in the entry history -table, except for some very early entries.


Tracklist of the entry, separated by disc (if applicable).

If all of the tracks include a duration, the total album duration/length is calculated and displayed.

Artist’s personal description

For an artist’s personal introduction of the entry. Unlike the description field, this is considered a subjective opinion, possibly written in first person, and may include a limited amount of “marketing speech.” For entries with multiple involved artists, only one description may be provided, but whenever possible, the circle/group can be selected as the author.

This field should only be added by the artist themselves, who must have a Verified Artist account.

Latest comments

Section for leaving new comments. The latest 3 comments are shown.

As with the entry description, GitHub-flavored Markdown is supported for formatting.

Placing the @ symbol before a username will notify the relevant user when the comment is sent, similar to Discord’s ping system.

Always follow the discussion rules.

Latest review

Latest review of the album.

tab: Discussion

All entry comments are split into pages of 10 comments each.

tab: Reviews

All reviews for the album.

tab: Pictures

Additional album pictures (such as an album’s back cover art) are displayed on this tab.

tab: Share

Includes a link to the album entry and a second one with markdown.

Code for an iframe-embed is also included along with some social media share links.

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