Artist entry page
Entry guidelines
This page explains what features VocaDB offers on artist entry pages.
Take Hatsune Miku for example:
This page displays the entry’s data and provides several of VocaDB’s features through user actions.
Available user actions
The artist entry status is shown with an icon on this line.
Artist entries can be followed to show support and get notified when artists release new songs or albums or participate in events.
There are three artist-specific notification settings:
- No notifications.
- Notify me on-site.
- Notify me both on-site and by email.
Notifications are sent for new songs, albums and events where the followed artist participates (regardless if they include PVs or not). If the artist credit is added to the entry an hour after the entry was created, no notifications are sent.
If a new PV gets added to a song that had no PVs, and it happens after more than one week of the song entry creation date, notification messages are sent.
Follower lists for artists are not available, but followed artists for users are available at{username}/artists
The “Edit” button opens the edit-page for the artist entry.
View modifications
The “View modifications” button opens the version history for the artist entry:{artist_id}
The version history table uses 5 columns: Version, Created, Author, Changes, Notes.
The specific version can be viewed when clicking one of the version numbers in the “Version” column:{version_id}
The version page has two user actions available (four for moderators).
Revert to this version (moderators)
- Reverts the artist entry to this version. Used for countering vandalism and fixing edit mistakes.
Download XML
- Downloads the version information in XML format.
Report an error
- Reports the specific entry version. Using this, a notification will be sent to the relevant editor.
Hide this version (moderators)
- Hides the specific entry version. The version link will still be visible on the entry history page, but the link will be inaccessible to users that are not moderators.
Report an error
Creates an entry report and adds it to the entry report list that is visible to trusted users+
Visible data
Fields that are empty or unavailable will not be visible.
tab: Basic info
The fields from the basic info tab on the “edit” page are displayed here along with some additional sections.
The first line shows the name based on the user’s “Preferred display language” setting.
The other primary names and aliases are shown on the second line.
The artist entry description truncated to the first ~~400 characters. If longer than this, a “Show full description” button is provided.
The English translation (if available) is shown by default, regardless of user language preferences.
Release date
Release date of the voicebank.
Illustrated by
Illustrators of the voicebank.
Voice provider
Voice providers of the voicebank.
Managed by
Managers of the voicebank.
Character designer
Character designers of the voicebank.
Four most voted tags are displayed by default. The “Show all” button displays all of the tags grouped by the tag category.
One or two buttons (depending on the user group) are displayed next to the tags:
- Edit tags
Existing tags are shown as blue boxes. The box highlighting (orange) can be toggled by clicking.
Your tag votes will be added to the highlighted tags when clicking “Save”.
Tag suggestions are automatically displayed based on artists’ albums and songs. Always verify the specific tag usage guidelines. All tags have an option of hiding them from suggestions.
You can remove tags that you added yourself by removing your tag vote (toggling the highlight). Tags with 0 votes are removed when clicking “Save”.
- Manage tags (Trusted users){artist_id}
The entry tags are displayed as a table with columns Tag, Count, Votes (Visible to moderators only), Date.
Tags can be removed by any trusted user, regardless who added and voted for the tag.
Official links
- Links from the “official” and “commercial” categories are shown as one list, alphabetically sorted.
Unofficial links
- Links from the “reference” and “other” categories are shown as one list, alphabetically sorted.
Base voicebank
Base voicebank of the voicebank.
VocaDB account
If the artist entry is verified, the corresponding user profile link is displayed here.
Derived voicebanks
- Automatically generated list of derived voicebanks, along with their release date.
Groups and labels
Groups and labels that the artist is a member of.
The following statistics are included:
- Follower count (S1)
- Rated song count (S2)
- Rated album count (S3)
- Average album rating (S4)
- Rated song count by the user (S5)
“Followed by S1 user(s). S2 rated song(s). S3 (s) (average album rating is S4). You have rated S5 song(s) by this artist.”
Addition date
Entry creation date. Corresponds to the last row in the entry history table, except with the most earliest entries.
Recent albums
Corresponds to a custom search logic (GetLatestAlbums).
This can be different from the visible link “Recent albums”:
Popular albums
Corresponds to a custom search logic (GetTopAlbums).
This can be different from the visible link “Popular albums”:
Recent songs / PVs
Corresponds to a custom search logic (GetLatestSongs).
This can be different from the visible link “Recent songs / PVs”:
Popular songs
Corresponds to a custom search logic (GetTopSongs).
This can be different from the visible link “Popular songs”:
Recent events
Corresponds to a custom search logic (GetLatestEvents).
This can be different from the visible link “Recent events”:
Songs per month
Chart of monthly songs generated with [](The Highcharts library). Only generated for artists with 2 or more songs.
Latest comments
Section for leaving new comments. The latest 3 comments are shown.
As with the entry description, GitHub-flavored Markdown is supported for formatting.
Usernames prepended with the symbol @ will get notified when the comment is sent.
Always follow the discussion rules. Any comments can be edited and removed by Moderators.
tab: Discussion
All entry comments split to pages consisting of 10 comments.
tab: Pictures
Additional artist pictures are displayed on this tab.
tab: Main albums
Corresponds to[0]=1&artistParticipationStatus=OnlyMainAlbums
tab: Collaborations
Corresponds to[0]=1&artistParticipationStatus=OnlyCollaborations
tab: All songs
Corresponds to[0]=1