Required entry fields


Song fields:

Lower level requirements carry over —>

Field nameEntry creationDraftFinishedApproved (Mandatory and Recommended)
Default name languagen/arequired
Namesrequired, 1+
-Names (non-english)^
-Names (romanized)^(M) required if available
-Names (english)^(M) required if available
Descriptionn/aPVs, links or description
-Description (eng)n/a
Song typerequired
Original versionrequired if available *
Release eventsn/a
Publish daten/arequired
External linksn/aPVs, links or description
Artistsrequired, 1+
-Artists (producers)^required
-Artists (vocalists)^required **
-Artists (supporting)^(M) required
PVs:PVs, links or description(R) at least two media services
-PVs (original)
-PVs (reprint)
-PVs (other)n/a
-Lyrics (original)n/a(M) required, unless instrumental or no lyrics
-Lyrics (romanized)n/a(R) required
-Lyrics (translated)n/a(R) required

* Derived song types need the original version specified in the original version field or the song description. (SV4) (or in external links if found on UtaiteDB)

** Songs with no vocalists need the “instrumental” tag, unless the song type is “Instrumental” or “Drama PV”. (SV5)

Album fields:

Lower level requirements carry over —>

Field nameEntry creationDraftFinishedApproved (TODO)
Default name languagen/arequired
Namesrequired, 1+
-Names (non-english)^
-Names (romanized)^
-Names (english)^
Main cover picturen/arequired or no cover art -tag
Descriptionn/aPVs, links or description
-Description (eng)n/a
Album typerequired
Release eventsn/a
Publish daten/arequired (at least the year)
Catalog numbern/a
External linksn/aPVs, links or description
-Artists (producers)^required
-Artists (vocalists)^required
-Artists (supporting)^required
Tracksn/arequired (complete)
Additional picturesn/a
Median/aPVs, links or description

Artist fields:

Lower level requirements carry over —>

Field nameEntry creationDraftFinishedApproved (TODO)
Default name languagen/arequired
Namesrequired, 1+
-Names (non-english)
-Names (romanized)
-Names (english)
Picturerequired if VB
Descriptiondescription or link
-Description (eng)
Artist typerequired
VB Illustratorn/a
VB Voice Providern/a
VB Character designern/a
VB Managern/a
Groups and circlesn/a
Base Voicebankn/arequired if VB
Voicebank release daten/arequired if VB
External linksdescription or link
VB Languagerequired if VB
Additional pictures
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